
For multiple decades, Apple has been the one company to take a concept that seems good on papaer and not executed well and change it up their way to be simple and be overall better. But there is a secret side to Apple that Apple does not want the public to see. This has been a secret that has been well hidden since 1997 but now I will expose Apple for its Illuminati secrets that it has been keeping secret.


As we all know, Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak from Job's garage after geting engaged with computers from their local computer clud. The Apple I did not see much sucess but with the release of the Apple II, Apple sold a lot of units of the Apple II and this skyrocketed Apples success. Apple would launch more computers during this time such as more variations of the Apple II, Apple Lisa and of course the famous Macintosh line of computers which was one of the earliest computers to launch with a GUI. But around this time, Steve Jobs was having problems with the company such as the company getting mad everytime Steve would get mad over a really simple mistake when it came to the design of everything due to him being a profectionist. To make a long story short, the leadership of Apple booted Steve from the company and Steve Jobs would go on to do his own things. From 1985 to 1997, Steve would try to launch his own line of computers known as the NEXT computers which was a failiure and he would also kickstart the animation company known as PIXAR. But this was just simple backstory to misguide the American people into beliving Steve was fine. But in reality it was a backstory created by the Illuminati.

Steve Jobs Illuminati Alliance

After Steve was fired, he was really mad and wanted to get revenge on his co-workers who fired him and regain control of Apple. But Steve had no ability to do that. He then decided that he must teamup with the Illuminati to get rid of Wozniak and get Apple under his wing. The Illuminati and Steve Jobs met at Hill 8767 in Fremont CA and decided to sabotauge Apple by making sure every product they made by that point was garbage by sending Illuminati agents to Apple Inc. The Illuminati was responsible for the Apple Newton, Apple Pipin, Apple Quickshot and many other products. The purpose of realeasing terrible products was for Apple to realise that Steve needs to be rehired to save the company and he can regain power. The Illuminati agreed to doing this as long as Steve allowed the Illuminati to have partial control of Apple. Once Apple came close to bankruptcy, Steve came by to take over the company.

Illuminati Controll of Apple

Once Steve ruled the company again, Apple slowly went back into it's original and good hayday. They bsaw major success with their new proudcts like the iPod, iBook, Macbooks and Mac desktops. But of course in the background, the Illuminati had controll within the company as well. The only reason the Illuminati wanted to take control of Apple was because they wanted to introduce the "good products from Apple" to spread their propreganda. Steve wasn't too found of this and he wanted to get rid of the illuminati. He tried his best but he realised he had goten back his company at a terrible cost. He tried to tell them to go to Microsoft to spread their propreganda on Windows PCs but the illuminati wanted none of it. Eventually, the illuminati decided to get rid of Steve Jobs for their own interest and introduce their own puppet to rule the company. Tim Cook. So the illuminati kidnapped Steve and kept him in their prision and release a false report stating that Steve had died.

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